In Context #4

Fall 2000

Feature Articles

“Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus)”
By Craig Holdrege
A whole-organism sketch of a “lowly” plant with some extraordinary qualities. The skunk cabbage has a fluid, bud-like quality, and in late winter it can melt its way through the snow by means of its animal-like body heat.

Notes and Reviews

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“Water’s Obstinate Meanderings”
By Stephen L. Talbott
Thoughts on the circuitous tendencies of water. (A follow-up to “The Straitening of Science” in In Context #3.)

“The Ghostly Machine”
By Stephen L. Talbott
Consciousness is often derided (by those with a materialistic bent) as a “ghost in the machine.” But it turns out that, in our day, it is the machine that is becoming a ghost — an abstract, dematerialized specter.

“About SENSRI”
By Stephen L. Talbott
The Nature Institute welcomes a like-minded research organization pursuing a phenomena-centered science.